Life is Measured in Coffee Filters
A Poem by Max Smetanick. Follow Max on Instagram: maxxipaddy_daddy
Life is measured in coffee filters and sexual rejection. Life is measured in the amount of time between fallout warnings. Tulips sprouting, Hugs overstayed, Turning emotions inside out. Life is measured through test tubes, with little memories you've confused for book chapters. Or pubescent arousal dreams. Life is measured in great steak dinners. That left you bloated. Life is measured between relapses and days you took off sick when you weren't really sick. Life is measured in paychecks and books you didn't finish. Used cars and jobs you got fired from. Life is measured in repeating monotony. And pairs of jeans you'd thought would last till your 27th birthday. Life is measured in boulevards and avenues. Haircuts and ER visits. It's measured in childhood pets that die. And get replaced with new ones with different names. Life is measured with trees you watched grow 10 feet in your hometown neighborhood. In fingernails and baby teeth. Fat lost and fat gained. Life is measured by other people's allowance for happiness. It's measured in full tanks of gas and bars of soap that just wouldn't die. Life is measured in times you left home and times you spent back at home. Life is measured in sexual dry spells. When all you could do was writhe in withdrawal from lack of intimacy. Measured in thirds. 1/3 sleeping 1/3 working 1/3 doing what you really want to do with life. Time is measured in the space between when you last saw someone you loved. And when they last saw you. Time is measured in new apartments and the keys and locks that come with them. Time spends you like money, forcing gravity through your bones. Turning you mushy like an oxidizing avocado. Time is measured between 1-100 and a-z. Time is measured in the length of time it takes your nail polish to wear away and expose fibers. Time is truly measured in the amount of time between when you last cried and when you'll cry next. When you'll make someone else's guts hurt, and make someone vulnerable.
I completely agree and relate to your poem.
Married 5 dog years (each pup was our favorite) 38 in people years.
Your time details, zooming into precise moments are wonderful. Right on- Write on!
I love this title and the poem did not let me down. So many telling lines, so many ways to take stock, not judge, just learn. Thank you!