Peter, as you no doubt tried to do, you scared me (and about half pissed me off) with that title. Then I read the post...That was a pretty wicked trick to pull. Haha. Every Mother's Day that goes by I thank my mom and pray that she hears me. Thanks for sharing - Jim
I would not be a published author today if my mother hadn't encouraged my writing from elementary school onward. Sadly, she didn't live to see my successful career.
Hey Lev, sorry to know your mom's no longer with us. I don't know where I would be without my mom. Dreading the day she passes. Cheers to the memories, I'm sure your mom is proud of you. Mom's are the best. ❤️
Peter, as you no doubt tried to do, you scared me (and about half pissed me off) with that title. Then I read the post...That was a pretty wicked trick to pull. Haha. Every Mother's Day that goes by I thank my mom and pray that she hears me. Thanks for sharing - Jim
Haha, couldn't resist trying a click bait title out! Mom's are incredible! I know she hears you, Jim! Thanks for giving this a read <3
Thanks for reading Elizabeth! Happy mother's day :)
Thank you!!
Hey An, thank you for reading :) Happy Mother's Day!
Thank you for your Mother’s Day gift, Peter. ❤️
Love your biggest fan!
I hope it at least brought a smile to your face, love you Mom!
This was a sweet Mother’s Day tribute, Peter ☺️
Thanks Jenn ❤️, Happy mother's Day to you!
Thank you!
I would not be a published author today if my mother hadn't encouraged my writing from elementary school onward. Sadly, she didn't live to see my successful career.
Hey Lev, sorry to know your mom's no longer with us. I don't know where I would be without my mom. Dreading the day she passes. Cheers to the memories, I'm sure your mom is proud of you. Mom's are the best. ❤️
25 years on, and she was very present to me during the pandemic, and this was the first essay I published about her recently:
Thanks for sharing Lev, I will give this a read. Long live the memories and I hope you find your Mom's presence often and especially today!