This was where we learned to hit home runs, This is where we learned to spit with our throats and not our mouths. This is when we learned to give Ma and Pa the first two cups of coffee first. Where we found out how to hold 5th gear and hold guns. This is where we found out what was a lie and what we decided was real. This is where we scraped our first knees and got lost in the backyard. This is how we found out what a broken young heart was and how it felt to swallow knives. When we got involved and where we got isolated. This is when we had to eat humble pie more than apple, rhubarb, or blueberry. This is where we trapped fireflies in mason jars and watched them die in the jar. Where we swam naked for entertainment and where we dried like fruit on the shore's borders. These are the places we raced our feet in the forest, coming up short and coming in last. Tasting the dirt kicked up in your mouth. This is how we learned what a real dry throat felt like, How it felt to be dehydrated in the summer. This is when we learned to drink from hoses and not from the breast. This is where we got picked last in gym class. How we learned what it was like to be the loser, and reflect unfamiliar feelings. This is how we learned to close our eyes when it wouldn't go away. This is where we learned to keep quiet when hiding in the shadows. This is where we wound up in teenage basements. Stumbling in the fresh 2 AM air with stolen beer, and eighteen year old sweat. This is how we learned to speak language with our eyes. How we got close enough to smell their breath and touch their parts. This is how our heart sounded when it cried. This is how we learned to wake up from the dreams, and how we had to dismiss the nightmares that changed our premature brains. This is when we found out the friends in our dreams were never returning. How we learned to forget them and ignore them. This is where I give up and fall into tiny leather pieces. This is wh
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The fireflies 😢 I always let them go.
Just excellence, right there. I have so much respect for poetry writers. I can't do it, but I sure wish I could. My few attempts in the past have been terrific failures.