I like this little glimpse into your day and how you keep tying it all back to your dog

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sometimes I wonder if poetry is the purity of how we think, and all this extra writing stuff is cognition getting in the way

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Lee...I really don't know. Poetry cool!

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beautiful poem! "Two tiny lizards making love on the pee pad" is an amazing opener

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Thank you Will! Just playing around mostly today...but thought I'd share. Still gotta dive deep into your work...keep it up my friend. I might be late to the party, but I'll be there!

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Playing around is the way to go, really enjoyed it. And no worries haha there's no rush at all

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Excellent poem, Peter. Lizards making love ... hmmm, they're everywhere here in Florida, but I've yet to see them do that. I'll have to watch more closely! (wink)

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haha thanks C.J. I'm a little north in South Carolina and they're cool little creatures.

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Yes, I agree! Fun to watch, too … (wink)

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one the color in your photo. Ours are different shades of gray with bright orange wattles (like a rooster has on its throat).

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Yep! The one in the photo isn't exactly like the ones here. Love watching them puff out their wattles...thanks for defining that term. Wasn't sure what that throat thing was called.

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Yes, and it’s hysterical when they puff out their wattles, they bob their head up and down in a prideful way, as if to tell the ladies, “Here I am! Look at me! Aren’t I just the most fantabulous male you’ve ever seen?” Hahahaha

(I think those are only on males, right?)

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haha I believe you're right, those are the males strutting their stuff.

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Hahahaha now I’ve GOT to be more observant! I’ll be watching from a whole different point of view. Hahahaha

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Astute - well-written piece using the power of perception

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