May 1Liked by Peter Smetanick

I really enjoy listening to you narrating your writing, Peter. I have to admit, I’m hooked on Where the Sunbeams End and always look forward to the notification when the next episode comes out. Much love and good vibes, as always. 🧡

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And Jacob, if you enjoy listening then you may want to checkout the podcast episode I did with another writer. Ray Downs' Toxic Lit podcast. He let me talk on and on about Where the Sunbeams End. It was a great experience.

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May 1Liked by Peter Smetanick

Just gave it a listen. 🧡

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Hey Jacob, super stoked that you're enjoying Where the Sunbeams End! Thanks for giving me a bit of your time, good vibes right back at you ❤️

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Apr 3Liked by Peter Smetanick

Just listened to this one, Peter. Still enjoying the narrator’s wonderfully candid voice. And love how these chapters begin to put into words the narrator’s volatile state of mind. It’s challenging to describe manic episodes but, at times, it felt like you could have adopted a more fragmented/modernist stream of consciousness writing style to try to even more fully capture those experiences. Maybe, though, that’s just one approach? In case you haven’t already, it would be v interesting for you to read books like ‘Mrs Dalloway’ by Virginia Woolf, ‘A Girl is a Half-formed Thing’ by Eimear McBride, and (at least part - it’s quite long! - of) ‘Ulysses’ by James Joyce to see if there’s anything in those sorts of literary styles that you can draw upon in the future. You’ve probably already read it, but ‘Girl, Interrupted’ by Susanna Kaysen is v relevant too. In my first novel, Something So Precious, I tried to switch between more traditional and fragmented/modernist styles to track the narrator’s volatile state of consciousness which really helped. Anyway, thanks again for posting this! And journey on! Wishing you every success!

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Hey James, thanks for giving this a listen and thanks for the recommendations! I am familiar with Mrs. Dalloway and I've read sections of Ulysses, but have yet to read the other two. Thanks again, I'll be sure to give them a gander. As for adopting a more fragmented/stream of consciousness writing style in my project...I believe this is something I will try in future chapters. We'll see where this project takes me. Good vibes your way.

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Thanks, Peter. ✨️

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Mar 29Liked by Peter Smetanick

oh let me listen from the begining. thank you for this audio form..I am an audiobook reader most of the time.

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I hope you enjoy...thank you for being here ❤️

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