“Poetry has turned into a form of therapy for me.” I agree with this statement. I’m most in tune with my fluctuating mind and inner self when engaged with poetry. Thanks for sharing this essay. 💙

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Hey Bella, thanks for reading! There is just something special about poetry. Both writing it and reading.

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Hello Peter. Just want to say, I enjoyed your post --very detailed. I also share your love for chihuahuas. We have a 10 lb four-year-old and we're convinced she's ADHD. The energy she has is astounding! She's more like a two-year-old human though, complete with tantrums ...

Thanks, Peter!

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Hey C.J. :)

Thanks for reading! I'll just say that Chihuahuas are great companions, but a bit crazy at times.

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Absolutely, they are high strung. ADHD with ours! Hahahaha. We wouldn’t trade ours for anything in the world.

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Just the word Shenandoah sounds poetic to me, Peter. I know it's silly, but it reminds me of a song we used to sing in my music class when I was in my low teens. Is there a river? I seem to remember the song being about a river, but I could be wrong. It's a long time ago. But I love the sound of the word, it rolls off the tongue so beautifully. I feel you and I have in some ways had a similar path when it comes to writing. I know you read my interview about being blocked for so many years, so I can relate. I admire you for going back to university; I have no training in writing at all, and actually shy away from the idea of taking classes because the only time I ever went to a writers conference where there were seminars and we were given writing exercises to do, everyone was so snooty and uptight that I just clammed up, and felt totally out of place. I'm glad your little dog helps you unwind, and I'll have to check out the music or meditation you mention. I'm so glad you're writing again! Oh, and I have that Stephen Fry book! Unfortunately I left it in Spain so I'll have to go back to it in October when I return there. Big hugs! xx Cesca

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Hey Francesca :)

Thank you for giving this a read, I hope you enjoyed. Shenandoah is a bit poetic and yes, there is a Shenandoah river. I spent many a day drifting down on a kayak or tube. Good memories.

Thanks for the continuous encouragement and I'm glad you're writing again too!

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